"little person" gasoline thieves..... |
I had just finished ordering my medium Iced Capp, 360 calories of goodness, when the lady on the radio said that on this day, people statistically give up on their New Years Resolution. It was the 10th. So 10 days into the New Year, I wasn't the only one who had started to consume fat ass foods again. As my last post stated, I did pretty good. Made it to the gym, ate really good but then for some reason, this week sucked ass.I was too busy on Monday to prep for the week and thought that I'd be able to make healthy food quick. Putting together a salad and chopping up veggies takes a lot longer than I thought! When you've got one kid stuck under a bed screaming for help and the other one climbing the stairs when he shouldn't be, the last thing on your mind is making a healthy salad. I spent most mornings reheating my sugar loaded coffee and completely skipping breakfast. They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I say you feed 3 kids breakfast, make their lunches, stop Carter from eating the cat food, find Hayden's matching sock, brush out Jaedyn's bed head, stop Carter from putting the cat food in it's water dish, find Hayden's other mitten, argue with Hayden to put mittens on, stop Carter from eating the cat food out of the water dish, wrestle with Carter to get him into his jacket, still arguing with Hayden to get his mitts on, start panicking because we're going to be late for school and then finally get them in the van to go to school. Now you tell me how important breakfast is and when the hell I'm gonna find time to eat it. So obviously meal prep for breakfast is important. I've also decided that it's best if I cancel my gym membership. I know that going to the gym is going to be more beneficial for me, but I've found that finding the time is getting harder and harder. By the time the kids get home from school and Matt home from work, with dinner, baths and homework, all I want to do is sit and do nothing. I need to find time during the day to workout at home. I'm hoping that the snow decides to stay away and I get outside and go walk and eventually start running. Maybe when I don't sound like a 50year old overweight smoker when I run. Running outside is soooo much different than running inside on a treadmill. I can run forever on a treadmill and by forever I mean 20 minutes, which clearly is forever in fat girl talk. When I get outside tho, it's like I've never ran in my life and a minute is an eternity. I blame gross Trenton air, that's gotta have something to do with it right?
Okay, so new game plan. Meal prep is important as shit. Sunday night is the night. If I make things that are healthy to eat and can eat them while making a bottle and beating a level on Mario, then I'm set. Also, figure out workouts to do at home. My family is definitely gonna think I've lost my shit when I start squatting while doing the dishes and running on the spot during commercials, but really I think I'm slowly losing it anyway. Here's to another crazy week!
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