Monday, 28 January 2013

The 'Weight" is over...weigh in day!

      2 weeks down. Working out 4 times a week and eating as healthy as my fat little body can handle. After 2 weeks of trying my best not to order a donut, eating the kids school snacks, or trying to find healthier ways to eat the foods I love; it was weigh in time. I do admit, I feel a bit thinner. I think the best way to gauge as to whether or not you have lost weight is by your clothes. Well obviously if you step on a scale and it says you've lost weight then you've lost weight smart ass. Let me break it down for you. You've just finished the laundry and you're pulling your jeans out of the dryer. Your jeans are always at their tightest when you just get them out of the dryer. So if you put them on and they're not as tight, your fat ass has lost some weight! People can say all the time that their clothes are looser, but did you put those clothes on right out of the dryer? Probably not tubby...Anyway, steppin' on the scale time. According to the scale, I've lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks and by my measurements I'm down roughly 4 inches overall. I know that is something that I should be really excited about but I feel like I could have done better. Tubby Twin said she felt like all she could think about was the bad things she ate and how she shouldn't have eaten them. Along with that I thought about the things that I could have done to get myself moving. Rather than sitting and watching tv, I totally should have ran on the spot throughout commercials or something. It's really easy to be hard on myself so I suppose I should use it as motivation for my next weigh in.
      We've welcomed a new member to the Durant gym this week! We'll call her Chilly Chubby Chick. The gym is in a garage that is currently being heated by little area heaters and of course our incredible hot asses. This week has been so cold, it's almost impossible to sweat in that gym.(It could be that we're not working out that hard but It definitely isn't a place for someone to come if they are already cold all the time. Chilly Chubby Chick said she's cold even at home, so it's definitely going to take some adjusting for
My week in food...Greek yogurt with strawberries and chia seeds;
cherry tomatoes and roasted chick peas; my muffins! and onions
sweet potatoes and broccoli...
    OH! I have tried baking something healthy on three different occasions recently. The first time baked some cookies that was basically oats, bananas and peanut butter. I'm sure it was mistaken for a recipe for dog treats because that's definitely what it tasted like. The second thing I baked was protein brownies. No, just no. I used WAY too much Splenda when I thought I wasn't even using enough. I could taste the fake sugar before I even put it to my mouth. It was ridiculous and frankly, made this fat girl sad. Finally, FINALLY, I tried making Strawberry Chocolate Chip muffins. They were good! I substituted regular brown sugar for Splenda and whole wheat flour for regular flour. Not only did they taste good but I don't feel like such a big fat failure when I'm eating them :)

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Excuses, excuses

Best ever!
      Ohhh look, new template. People running seemed a bit more fitting for a blog about healthy eating and exercising (or lack there of). Also, it's orange and that colour makes me happy. Except when I'm wearing it, I look like a giant pumpkin waiting to be carved.
So with the first week down of actually watching what I eat and exercising, I'm feeling sore today. Normally this would be a reason for me to not work out. Actually I can probably list you 100 reasons why I don't work out. Here's a few of my fave.

1. I can't miss Vampire Diaries tonight, I better stay home. (I now PVR it, duh)
2. tummy is upset. I may vomit or poop my pants on the treadmill, I better stay home. (Now that I think about it, pooping myself on a treadmill would be pretty hilarious and think about the weight loss!)
3. I have too much to do at home, dishes; laundry; cleaning....(Why I ever thought I should stay home to clean is beyond me, allow me to smack myself in the head)
4. I have no one to go with, I don't wanna do this alone. (Why would I want anyone to come with me so they can see me panting like a fat kid at an all you can eat buffet)
5. I'm way too fat to be working out. (Not really much I can say about this one. It's like saying I'm too stinky to shower....)

       There really are no excuses that are valid anymore. It also helps that there are 2 other people waiting for you at the Garage gym, although Baby Arms used the "my daughter is too sick for me to come in" excuse last night. Too bad I literally live a 2 second drive away...damn it.
       The best part of this whole healthy eating this is I've discovered that I like to cook! I buy all these random new veggies and lean meats and try and figure out what to do with them. Yesterday I made stuffed peppers for the first time. I've never eaten stuffed peppers before and I'm glad no one was here to see it. I sat there looking at my pepper for about 5 minutes trying to figure out if I cut it, scoop the stuff out or what. I used the pepper as a bowl kinda, ate the stuff in the middle and then ate the pepper like an It takes a lot more thought to eat healthy. Normally, a side would be french fries or something fried would be thrown on a plate with a burger or something. Now I try to figure out which ways I can make veggies. Baked, sauteed, or steamed. I didn't realize how many different ways you can make certain veggies. Broccoli in the oven with some garlic and lemon is so good it makes me wanna punch deep fried onion rings in their fatty face. The biggest problem I've had is drinking water. I really don't drink anything throughout the day. I need to find some way to remember to drink water. However, my lack of drinking water would be really beneficial for me if I was ever lost in the desert. Maybe every time I think about eating something unhealthy, I should water. I'm gonna be peeing constantly!!

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Garage Gyming It!!

I'm definitely gonna wear this the next time I work-out
           Society has really put a damper on the way people look at their body image. We spend all our time assuming that the more attractive woman should be skinny. I've always had a negative opinion on the way that I look and assumed that I would look better if I was skinnier. The other night I was thrown a curve ball when my boyfriend said to me that he wasn't sure he wanted me to lose any weight. Are you kidding me? Obviously I haven't shown him my hideous naked body enough or he's miraculously erased it from his memory. He said that he was fine with the way that I looked and pointed out a few of my ASSets, that he was a fan of. Now I know it was incredibly sweet of him to say this, reassuring me that I'm not a hideous fatty but really think of it logically. How many guys do you see gawking at the chick at the beach wearing a t-shirt because she'd rather drown than wear a bathing suit? And I know I've never heard, 'DAMN look at the muffin top on that chick! I just wanna rub myself all over those fat rolls.' Flat abs? Pshh...give me a woman with stretch marks and I'm in boner heaven! I guess it's hard to believe that a real woman is something that a man can be attracted to.
          With quitting the gym I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to find ways to workout effectively. Wow, that sounded professional, ANYPOOP my cousin Bob was planning on making a gym in his garage. This was perfect because I needed somewhere to go and someone to help me stay motivated. Honestly, if you're looking to lose weight, grab two friends and weigh yourself in front of them. It's a truly life changing experience. They're lucky that I didn't weigh myself the way I usually do. Completely naked while crying and planning what I'm going to eat to make myself feel better. The less clothes I'm wearing, the lighter it'll be right?! Now I'm not the only one that knows my little fat ass secret. They do too. They know that at night sometimes you stop at Tim Horton's and get a donut while you're alone because you don't want to have to share with a kid. Of course they know, they've seen the number on the scale. What's even better is taking your measurements with them too. I've kind of mastered layering my clothing enough for people to think that I may not be as fat as I appear. It could be layers of clothing which in turn is going to make me more 'thick'. News flash, I'm really that fat. What helps even more, is having a friend who's significantly skinnier than you to partake in this little adventure. While doing our measurements, it was apparent that she was smaller in inches...everywhere. One would say she has the arms of an infant, so we'll refer to her as Baby Arms. I'm at the point in my life where if I was as thin as Baby Arms, I'd be a happy former fat girl. Also, try your best to find a friend who is exactly the same as you in almost every aspect of your body. We'll call her Tubby Twin. (I mean that in the most loving way possible) Tubby twin was brave enough to get on the scale first. Really, she should be given a 5pound advantage at the next weigh in just for having the balls to weigh in first. When I realised that she was the same weight as me, an unspoken competition began. Well I guess you could say that it's kind of spoken now. We've spent all week working out and staying fairly true to our healthy eating plans for the week. I've unfortunately had a coffee from Tim Horton's every day. Damn it Tim Horton's! I've mentioned you twice in this post, clearly it's one of the contributing reasons why I'm a Plump Princess. We decided that we were going to wait 2 weeks before we'd weigh ourselves again. I left my scale at Tubby Twin's so I won't be able to check how much I have sucked this week. This week I made mini goals to drink more water (I haven't really drank any) and to cut out Tim Horton's completely (someone MAY die this week).

Saturday, 12 January 2013


"little person" gasoline thieves.....
I had just finished ordering my medium Iced Capp, 360 calories of goodness, when the lady on the radio said that on this day, people statistically give up on their New Years Resolution. It was the 10th. So 10 days into the New Year, I wasn't the only one who had started to consume fat ass foods again. As my last post stated, I did pretty good. Made it to the gym, ate really good but then for some reason, this week sucked ass.I was too busy on Monday to prep for the week and thought that I'd be able to make healthy food quick. Putting together a salad and chopping up veggies takes a lot longer than I thought! When you've got one kid stuck under a bed screaming for help and the other one climbing the stairs when he shouldn't be, the last thing on your mind is making a healthy salad. I spent most mornings reheating my sugar loaded coffee and completely skipping breakfast. They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I say you feed 3 kids breakfast, make their lunches, stop Carter from eating the cat food, find Hayden's matching sock, brush out Jaedyn's bed head, stop Carter from putting the cat food in it's water dish, find Hayden's other mitten, argue with Hayden to put mittens on, stop Carter from eating the cat food out of the water dish,  wrestle with Carter to get him into his jacket, still arguing with Hayden to get his mitts on, start panicking because we're going to be late for school and then finally get them in the van to go to school. Now you tell me how important breakfast is and when the hell I'm gonna find time to eat it. So obviously meal prep for breakfast is important. I've also decided that it's best if I cancel my gym membership. I know that going to the gym is going to be more beneficial for me, but I've found that finding the time is getting harder and harder. By the time the kids get home from school and Matt home from work, with dinner, baths and homework, all I want to do is sit and do nothing. I need to find time during the day to workout at home. I'm hoping that the snow decides to stay away and I get outside and go walk and eventually start running. Maybe when I don't sound like a 50year old overweight smoker when I run. Running outside is soooo much different than running inside on a treadmill. I can run forever on a treadmill and by forever I mean 20 minutes, which clearly is forever in fat girl talk. When I get outside tho, it's like I've never ran in my life and a minute is an eternity. I blame gross Trenton air, that's gotta have something to do with it right?
Okay, so new game plan. Meal prep is important as shit. Sunday night is the night. If I make things that are healthy to eat and can eat them while making a bottle and beating a level on Mario, then I'm set. Also, figure out workouts to do at home. My family is definitely gonna think I've lost my shit when I start squatting while doing the dishes and running on the spot during commercials, but really I think I'm slowly losing it anyway. Here's to another crazy week!

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Burpee's = Death

          Almost a week into 2013 and if I do say so myself, I've done fairly well. Well until today, but today doesn't count...Healthy eating has been quite a journey. I find that if I throw a ridiculous amount of veggies into a bowl and squeeze a lemon or lime over it, it's completely edible. Boo ya! I've made it to the gym a couple of times with Trish and today I did my first at home Crossfit workout. If you're not sure what Crossfit is, look it up. To sum it up, it's death. Really fast paced, death move after death move. Makes a fat chick feel like a panting, sweaty Fatty McFatterson when you're done. Thank God I decided to do it at home, alone, while Carter napped. Seriously if someone had been home, they'd have tried to call 911 due to my inability to breathe and make coherent words. Okay, it wasn't that bad but still, it kicked my ass. Good ol' Pinterest gave me a 2 week beginner Crossfit program that I can do at home. Day 1- 10 burpees, 20 squats, 30 situps. Do it as fast as you can 3 times. Seems easy enough.

Let me break it down for you. First set- Burpees suck, but I can handle this. Pshhh squats please, I can bust out 20 in my sleep. problem. Set 2- Oh wow, burpees are sucking even more and they are definitely not looking so pretty. Ohhh these squats are starting to burn. Situps, I feel you man. Set 3- omg...if I jump and then just fall to the ground, is that considered a burpee. Mother of God, these squats can suck my nuts. Oh good, I'm on the ground doing these situps. It's much easier for me to die on the floor. 
So glad I'm a girl
          I set the little stop watch on my Ipod to time this craziness. I surprisingly got it all done and in 5min 35 seconds. I've ran on a treadmill for half an hour and didn't feel this jello-y before. Best part about the whole thing is though is that I didn't bitch out and did the whole thing. Chest bump to myself!
          I've also come to learn that music is a very important part in my cardio. While I was on the elliptical (yes, I know. Elliptical's probably aren't the most calorie burning machines available, but I'm not sitting on the couch) I had my Ipod on shuffle. It was just playing whatever was in my music list. So I'm all jacked up on Gangman Style, heeeeey sexy lady and then my Ipod changes to country. Now don't get me wrong, I love country music but it is not something I can workout to. Talk about losing your cardio boner. Please note: I do not get a boner when I do cardio. Cardio does NOT give me a boner in any shape or form. So I need to make a playlist and stick to it so I don't go soft like a grown man who forgot to pop a Viagra during a run.

Happy news, signed up for the Color Run in Montreal. SO pumped for it!!