It's been too long since I've blogged. I think the main reason is because I have nothing to write about that I'm proud of. I've definitely fallen back into my old patterns. Late night eating, not being conscious of what I'm putting into my mouth. Although I've started eating fat ass foods again, I've noticed I've picked healthier foods because they taste better. A couple of times for lunch this week I made spaghetti squash with garlic shrimp and tomato sauce. Spaghetti squash tastes so good it makes me want to hump things. And humping things is a lot better than eating things. Imagine the calories I'd burn! I've thrown chicken breasts into the Crockpot with chicken broth, onions and rosemary and let them cook for 8 hours. Holy craphole. So good. Enough talking about food, it's making me hungry.
A couple of missed nights of working out and a trip to the hospital because of stomach pain has really put a damper on working out. Also, getting drunk on the weekend and being hung over the entire next day doesn't help. And when I say the entire day, I mean the ENTIRE day. That's why I never drink, I lose days. Tonight we started the second phase of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Pretty proud of us for even being able to move on to the second part of her death workouts. Phase 2 is a lot more fun than the first phase but it did make me feel like I had never worked out before. It didn't matter how cold it was outside, that crazy lady made me sweat balls. I'm hoping that this week stays more consistent and my fat fingers stay out of the shitty foods.
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Ummm.... |
Yesterday was Family Day and the YMCA was having a free Family Swim. I really wanted the kids to get out of the house so I suggested to them that we go. I really should have thought about it before I opened my mouth because going swimming obviously involves bathing suits. Wearing a bathing suit in public makes me want to vomit, cry and then apologize to anyone who sees me wearing said bathing suit. we go. I must admit, there were a lot of pretty sites there. Some women wearing bathing suits a bit too small for them, some with bathing suits that needed a lot more fabric and some who clearly didn't give a shit what they were wearing. And then there was me. That fat girl trying to hide behind her kids and a towel. The towel obviously wasn't hiding nothing and the kid kept pulling down my bathing suit top which I'm sure gave some preteen quite a show of my nipples. (You're welcome) I must admit though, I was jealous of the women wearing bikini's that clearly should not have. I don't feel that I will ever in my life be able to wear a bikini. Hell, I don't even think I will be able to wear a bikini when I clearly "shouldn't" in public. So hats off to you ladies. The ones who have had babies and their little tummies were stretched to the max and are still strutting their shit in a bikini. Hell ya girl! This fat girl will eat a piece of pizza for ya! Okay well maybe not but you get what I'm saying....
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