What gym is this?!!? |
Tricia and I went to the gym the other day so she could sign up. I'm not 100% sure if there was an Aquafit class ending or just a regular swim but when we got there, there was a whole bunch of ladies coming out of the pool into the change room. Now I do not "change" in the changeroom. Let's be honest, if I did, I'd be hiding in a bathroom stall with my eyes closed while changing because even I don't want to see myself naked. Well, these water logged ladies feel a lot different about being naked in front of other people. I don't make a habit of glancing at naked people in the change room so let's clear that up right away. However, there was one lady in all of her nakedness glory that caught my eye (and not just because she was rather large). Now this lady was large enough to make me look thin. I am in no way judging this woman so please, read on. So with trying to keep chatty conversation with Trish, I noticed that this woman was standing there talking to her friend completely naked. 100%, not a shred of fabric, I don't need a towel to cover me
naked. Okay, I understand that it's a change room and these things are normal. But this woman was talking to her friend for a very long time, just letting it all hang out. What's odd is that I didn't once think that the woman was "gross" or needed to put her clothes back on. I was incredibly jealous. Even though the lady was close to 300 pounds, I was jealous! She had more confidence in every inch of her body than I did in my entire 28 years of existence. I hate getting naked alone when I am getting into the shower. If it was socially and hygienically acceptable for me to shower in a t-shirt, I would. This woman was giving the whole change room more of a show than I give my boyfriend on a night when I feel bad cause it's been too long. Too much info for you? Probably...ANYWAY, I'm not saying that I want to be that naked chick in the change room who's working it, but I would like to be that person who can at least not vomit in my mouth when I change in the morning. Mini goal? Yes.
Get thin enough to not wanna cry and eat a cookie when I get naked.
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