I'm loving this challenge!! |
I've fallen off the wagon. Well more like broke one of the wagon wheels cause I've been eating like a big fat fatty. It's been 10 days since I've last blogged and I guess you could say I've been on a food bender. Wow, I totally know what it's like to be a drug addict...but in the food sense. It's been a really busy few days filled with calories, school projects, and birthday parties. My Dad turned 50 so we celebrated his birthday at Kelsey's. Earlier on in my 'healthy eating journey', I decided that I was going to look up the Kelsey's menu and find a healthy dinner to order. Didn't get around to that, probably because I was baking something and eating it. I figured that I would eat whatever I wanted at Kelsey's because I "deserved it". Yes, apparently I am a dog and I can reward myself with food. In anticipation for this "reward", I dug out my maternity jeans to wear. This should have been a sign that it was a bad idea. I anticipated stuffing my face to the point of my pants not fitting......oh man. One pulled pork sandwich, 2 giant glasses of Pepsi and free dessert later, I probably should have been rolled home. Gross. I've also come to realize that I'm an emotional eater. Sad face= stuff my face. Such a vicious cycle. On the upside of all of this, I've been making slightly healthier choices throughout my day that I normally wouldn't. I discovered that tossing some carrot sticks in olive oil and Italian seasoning and then baking it, makes me wanna hump the stove it's so good. I've found a delicious 12 grain bread that is amazeballs. I just need to keep finding healthy things to replace the not so healthy things that I love.
I managed to finish the second week of that fitness thingy that I was doing. Then stuff got busy, Matt was working longer. Projects were due, sleep was lost...I haven't been to the gym in a week now. Makes me sad cause I felt like I was getting into a "groove"....kinda like the butt groove I leave on my couch cushion. Must....get...back...to...gym.....
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