Look at my sexy booody..... |
I'm pretty sure I have an addiction to food. Despite the fact that I need it to live, as well as keep my wicked awesome figure, it has such a ridiculous hold on me. I had a wicked awesome week. Egg whites for breakfast, whole grain breads and salads for lunch and a protein and veggies for dinner. I didn't snack at all and actually ate a pomegranate for 2 hours (yes, 2 hours) so I wouldn't snack. And then the weekend came. A lot of people had talked about having a cheat day. I noticed while putting Jaedyn's hair up that she had head lice. What a perfect reason to eat horrible comfort food. So Saturday it was. We ordered pizza for dinner and bought chips and junk food. I know that when you have a cheat day, you probably shouldn't eat enough calories for the whole week. I didn't eat nearly as much as I had anticipated, but I felt like I shouldn't have eaten as much as I did. Now please don't imagine me sitting alone on my couch covered in crumbs with empty wrappers around me while I cry. That didn't happen at all. I threw the wrappers out....No but seriously. When you're on a diet or "shunning shitty food" as I like to call it, the idea of eating something that isn't good for you is a "bad" thing. I know I'm gonna feel like crap after I eat that donut, but that donut is going to taste soooo good. More times than none, the image of Fat Bastard from Austin Powers popped into my head.
'I eat because I'm unhappy and I'm unhappy because I eat'. Once I eat one bad thing, my mind is like "Hey fatass, you've already eaten a cookie, how bought 4 more" Luckily, I didn't let my HORRIBLE weekend ruin the start of this week.
Oh ya, I also went to the gym four times last week. 4 times! Proud of ma self! lol Hitting the gym tomorrow for my second week of Jamie Eason's live fit program. Jamie Eason is a cute little fitness model who seems to know her shit. Hopefully her program helps to firm my shit up...wait that didn't sound right at all....