It's been a REALLY long time since I've blogged. To sum things up as fast as possible, things have fallen apart...fatly. I don't think it's really possible to pinpoint the time in which I switched back to Fattyville, but I'm pretty sure I've become the president. I developed an addiction to a little ditty called a Caramel Apple Fritter. It became my crack, and I'm not even sure what being on crack is like! The workouts stopped, the gym became vacant and I'm pretty sure I managed to become fatter. I've managed to stay away from the scale, but I can tell by my GIANT reflection on the mirror that shit got bigger. I began to tell myself that being healthy was obviously something that I'm not good at, something that I can't see myself committing to for the rest of my life. I'm not sure why it's so much easier to eat like a heffer but I'm really, really good at it. Life seemed to get the best of me and I put myself on the back burner yet again.

More than ever, I definitely need to get fit. I got engaged a month ago and the only thing that stresses me out the most about the wedding is the way I'm gonna look. No girl wants to be fat on their wedding day. My biggest fear is that I'm going to look back on that day and regret that I did nothing to change the way I look. Anyone who knows me, knows that I do NOT wear tank tops. I can't stand the look of my giant arms and I really feel like it is a my responsibility to society to keep those giant eye sores covered. That creates quite a predicament for me and the wedding dress situation. Dresses with sleeves are kinda ugly. No offence if you've worn one, but that's just my personal opinion. Then there's the shawl route. However, everyone's gonna know that I'm wearing a shawl cause I'm a big fat fatty and not because I think it's pretty. I wanna wear a strapless dress that makes my boobs stand out and look fantastic. I wanna rock the shit out of it! So again, I begin my never ending cycle of 'getting healthy'. I suppose I should go into this new adventure with a more positive attitude. I do have a BIG goal and a fairly LARGE reward at the end of this adventure....let's see how this one lasts. I say 2 weeks....any bets? lol
Oh ya, I'm still doing the Colour Run in August. The only training I've started is walking from the fridge to the couch. If that was an actual event, I'd win Gold for sure!